domingo, 30 de julho de 2017

Urban sketchers Londrina #123

Urban sketching, Alameda Jardino, Londrina. Trying out the Saunders Waterford watercolor paper... as good as Arches.

quarta-feira, 26 de julho de 2017

Curitiba - Morretes Part 1

Trip to Curitiba-Morretes took about 20 minutes for sketches. Below Niemeyer museum "museu do olho". (Curitiba)

 Ponte velha sketch, Morretes
Lunch time, Nhundiaquara hotel, Morretes. A sign reads : "Nhundiaquara hotel. The oldest building in town. Preserves some of the walls remnant from the 17th century. At first, acquired in 1944 by the Alpendre's family and transformed in a hotel in the following year.

 Sketch of the bridge, 20-30min.
 Igreja Catolica Matriz, quick sketch, about 20 min. All done on Arches hotpress custom hand sewn sketchbook and derwent watersoluble pencil with some Lukas watercolor.
 About 20 min sketch of Jardim botânico greenhouse.

domingo, 9 de julho de 2017

Urban sketchers Londrina #120 Strassberg

Urban sketch painting of Strassberg "Tortas alemãs"/ german pie. The façada was painted by my father, Sergio Russo quite sometime ago, paint itself is already fading.